
French Decorative Bookbinding - Eighteenth Century

Jean-Baptiste Gosselin - 1785

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Almanach Royal 1785, decoration by Jean-Baptiste Gosselin

I saw this 1785 Almanach Royal on eBay almost the same day that I was working on the Gallica binding shown on the previous page, I knew full well that this must be a Gosselin binding but how much would it cost? The seller claimed that it was a binding by Derome le jeune, that is kind of an honest mistake considering that Barber would have said the same, this of course made it yet more expensive but then you have to remember that Gosselin was even better at making these dentelles than Derome. I have to tell again my story here about Marius Michel, no in fact you have to read it here.

Suffice to say that Marius Michal was one of the greatest bookbinders and decorators of the 19th and 20th century, he knew bookbinding decoration inside and out, as he spent his life working in this field as did his father. Now Marius never held back in his accolades of Dubuisson's work, we have to think that this was a huge compliment coming from someone who truly knew the art of bookbinding decoration. Michel did not know who had made the binding that he shows in his illustration XXII of his famous book La Reliure française but he equated the work to that of Dubuisson. i.e. decoration of the highest order, we know now that it was Gosselin who executed this binding and so too we also discover that Gosselin was certainly one of the best if not the best artist of his time. How is it then that we know almost nothing about him? That his name has been forgotten... below In Comparative Diagram 1, we see the reason. Gosselin was another binder who started his career working for Derome le jeune. The binding shown is from Barber's 2013 publication, I found the picture in a publicity brochure promoting his book, below the picture Barber wrote: "W.Cat.454 [The Dutchesse du Maine].Grandes nuits de Sceaux. 1715. Folio. Bound by N-D Derome with his ticket."

With all the work that Barber did, and his extensive catalogue of tools, he still did not know what was a Derome and what was not, and here we are talking about 2013! for hundreds of years this mistake has been perpetuated and still today it persists, no one recognizes Gosselin's work simply because they think it is the work of Derome who fooled the world with his phoney tickets. Anyway I just bought a beautiful Gosselin dentelle binding on eBay at a rock bottom price, when the world wakes up to who made what and what things are worth, what will they pay for a Rembrandt? Gosselin is the Rembrant of the late 18th century bookbinders, and his bindings are worth more than mere money.

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Comparative Diagram 1 - W.Cat.454 after Barber 2013 (Derome ticket in a Gosselin masterpiece)

In Comparative Diagram 1, we see Barber's W.Cat.454, I have looked at this binding on a previous page (click here to see it) . We see here the same arms and corner tool as found in our 1785 Almanach Royal. This binding is the source of Barbers DST 38 that he has ascribed to Derome on the basis of Derome's ticket inside.


Comparative Diagram 2 - Barber DST 38

In Comparative Diagram 2, we see Barbers DST 38 type model that he has extracted from W.Cat.454, however he mentions other examples of this imprint and those examples are not placed in an oval, so he should not have included that in his illustration. I doubt whether Barber would have imagined how important this single imprint would turn out to be or that it would overturn completely his theory that this is a Derome tool, as I will show below.

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Comparative Diagram 3 - 1785 Almanach Royal with DST 38 imprint.

In Comparative Diagram 3, I show the DST 38 imprint found on the 1785 Almanach Royal, this picture is from the eBay listing.

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Comparative Diagram 4 - 1785 Fenelon from Wassermann's 1913 catalogue (lot 177).

In Comparative Diagram 4 we see another binding that Barber has listed in his DST 38 information, Fenelon, Adventures, 1781. It is found in Wassermann's catalogue, but it is not a 1781 printing as Barber shows but rather a 1785 printing as you can see in the catalogue information.

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Comparative Diagram 5 - Signed Gosselin binding from Librairie SOURGET
CATALOGUE N° XIX - 1999 MANUSCRITS et LIVRES Précieux. Lot 157.

In Comparative Diagram 5, I show the all important signed binding of Gosselin as well as the Sourget catalogue information about it, and where the Sourget experts do not hesitate to proclaim it as one of Gosselin's masterpieces.

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Comparative Diagram 6 - Barber DST 38 examples.

Comparative Diagram 6, I bring these elements together to show that these bindings have been decorated with the DST 38 imprint including Gosselin's signed masterpiece.

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see below links to previous work

Atelier I B 31/10/2014

Icons of the Renaissance 06/02/2014

Atelier au trefle 22/12/2014

Atelier Royal 1518 - 1524 09/11/2014

Unraveling G. D. Hobson's book on fanfares 27/11/2014

16c fanfare on eBay 23/11/2014

another Padeloup binding on eBay 07/12/2014

the last Padeloup fanfare?

Rare Padeloup binding on eBay 15/11/2014

Pierre-Paul Dubuisson's work attributed to Derone le jeune 23/10/2014 (unfinished work now finished)

Pierre-Paul Dubuisson's work attributed to Douceur 22/10/2014 (an under contruction page finished at last)

Louis-Marie Michon - the 1956 Disaster 19/10/2014 (an unfinished page finished at last)

Louis XII Dolphins motif 03/02/2014

Aristophanes Binder 1543 02/02/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - Atlas Catalan 12/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Linacre bindings 05/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier c. 1500-1520

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Chronology 16/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Inventory - binding No. 29 19/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Inventory - binding No. 39 19/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - The mysterious disappearance of François Tissard d'Amboise 23/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - The Simon Vostre fiasco 18/01/2014

L'Atelier Simon Vostre 1486-1521 01/01/2014

L'Atelier de Pierre Roffet 1511-1533 - TOOL CATALOGUE 26/01/2014

L'Atelier de Pierre Roffet 1511-1533 27/12/2013

Pierre Roffet - fleur-de-lis binder 28/12/2013

Fleur-de-lis Binder 1525-1540 27/11/2013

Du Saix Master 02/12/2013

Atelier Étienne Roffet 1538-1549 12/12/2013

Atelier Jean Picard 1538-1547

Imitative Binder c.1540 15/12/2013

Salel Binder 1540 17/11/2013

Atelier Ruette 1606-1669 INVENTORY

Atelier Macé Ruette 1606-1644

Atelier du Maitre Doreur 1622-1638

Atelier Antoine Ruette 1638-1669

Atelier des Caumartin 1652-1715

Atelier de Charenton 1670-1685

Atelier Luc-Antoine Boyet 1685-1733

Atelier Antoine-Michel Padeloup. dit Le Jeune 1685-1758

Atelier Louis Douceur 1721-1769

Atelier Pierre-Paul Dubuisson 1746-1762

Atelier Nicolas-Denis Derome, dit Derome le Jeune 1761-1788

Atelier Jean-Pierre Jubert, 1771-1793?

Atelier MM binder, 1770-179-?

A word of Caution

Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that.

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