Now we can look at this signature fleuron of René-François Fétil, I have commented on this before but here we can, look at it in depth. |
In Comparative Diagram 1, we can see that these imprints all follow a similar design. Who was the first to use this decorative device? Its hard to say, I have arranged these imprints with dates however these are only from known examples. Dubuisson could have been using one from an earlier date and Fetil who began his career in bookbinding only 2 years after Dubuisson may have been using his rf-3 earlier than 1757. Perhaps Dubuisson may have designed the original with motifs from heraldic emblems. |
It is a shock to find this Fetil signature fleuron in Delorme's decoration of a 1777 Almanach Royal (see this). One wonders how it could be there, what is the significance of it? |
Again we find the imprints of Fetil's signature fleuron in a Delorme dentelle, however here they are even more prominently displayed i.e. in the corners as well as the in mid dentelle on the sides. Why are they found in this otherwise Delorme decoration, what are the implications of this? |
In Comparative Diagram 5, I show again this highly important signed binding by Fetil found in Barbers 2013 publication. I have detailed some of the tools from this binding previously (see this). Barber who usually catalogues all of the obvious imprints on each binding that he details, failed for some unknown reason to record this important signature fleuron of Fetil, plainly evident in the decoration of this binding. In fact this fleuron is not found in Barber's catalogue at all, yet Fetil incorporated rf-3 in many of his dentelles. When you start looking for Fetil bindings you will find them easily by just searching for the haunting shape of rf-3 in corners or mid dentelle positions. |
In Comparative Diagram 7, we see another important imprint from Fetil's signed binding, this one Barber did catalogue, it is his DCT 29. This largish fleuron is easy to identify, especially when it is found in prominent dentelle positions. I have pointed out this Fetil imprint here as it relates to the next binding we are going to look at, a signed Douceur. |
I show in Comparative Diagram 8, a very impressive if not famous signed Louis Douceur binding, it is found in the BnF Gallica (see this) Jean de La Fontaine. Fables choisies mises en vers. [Tome 1]. Paris: Desaint, Saillant et Durand, 1755-1759. In-fol. Many authors have commented on these bindings not the least is Barber who catalogued separately all the special tools that have been employed in their decoration. However I did not see him mentioning Fetil although he could not have failed to see DCT 29 especially placed so conspicuously. While we do not see Douceur imprints other than perhaps the ones from tools that he is said to have had made specifically for these Fables bindings, we can see a few Fetil imprints such as DC-29 and rf-99 (see this). |
In Comparative Diagram 9, we see René-François Fétil's signature imprint rf-3 boldly placed in the decoration of the spine panels. Even though Douceur has placed his ticket inside these bindings, I suspect that Fetil may have been the decorator. Consider this… these most famous Douceur bindings were probably the work of Fetil, the same Fetil that Barber relegates to a foot note and the Bnf has still not even recognized as a binder. Why is this no surprise to learn that Fetil may have decorated these bindings? François Douceur, (est reçu maitre le 14 octobre 1721), attained his papers as bookbinder in 1721! this means that he was probably born before the turn of the century. In 1760 he would then be over 60 years old and have been working as a bookbinder for more than 40 years, now imagine if they told him that he would soon have to bind and decorate hundreds of these giant fables bindings and do it with new tools. Perhaps he thought it would be just simpler if Fetil decorated these bindings, and then he could just add his tickets later as a finishing touch. One day we will probably know for certain the truth. I could be wrong, do not rely on anyone other than yourself if you want to know the truth. |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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