The reproduction of the binding shown above is from Sotheby's online catalogue BIBLIOTHÈQUE JEAN-FRANÇOIS CHAPONNIÈRE : UNE COLLECTION GENEVOISE18 NOVEMBER 2019 (click here to see it) Fortunately in the information given about this item we are told "Selon le catalogue Pichon, il est probable que ce livre a été donné à Louise-Jeanne de Durfort-Duras (1735-1781) par son époux, Louis Marie d'Aumont marquis de Villequier, à l'occasion de son mariage. Le baron Pichon précise que la duchesse de Mazarin affectionnait tout particulièrement les reliures." According to the catalogue of Pichon this book was given to Louise-Jeanne de Durfort-Duras by her husband Louis Marie d'Aumont marquis de Villequier, as wedding gift , Pichon precisioned that la duchesse de Mazarin was very fond of beautifully bound books. Now a quick search with Google reveals that they were married in Paris on the 2nd of December 1747, if all this is correct then we know for certain that Louis Douceur made this binding late in 1747. An important clue when we think back on the three mosaic bindings dated 1739, shown on the previous page. |
In Comparative Diagram 1, we see the complete collection of the imprints found on this 1747 mosaic binding by Louis Douceur, some we have documented previously from 1745 to approximately 1749 (click here to see this). On a previous page we recently showed a Louis Douceur mosaic binding that was signed by Padeloup (click here to see that page). I show it below with this 1747 binding and a 1739 binding? |
In Comparative Diagram 2, we see that all three of these bindings have the same outer roulettes and that the spine palette is the same in the 2 spines that we can see, all three have a similar corner mosaics, and numerous imprints are the same. Only one of these bindings has the so called fer à la tulipe, we need to find a way to establish a chronology for the appearence of these tulips. On the next page we are going to see a completely different mosaic from Louis Douceur, and it has the tulips... |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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