
French Decorative Bookbinding - Eighteenth Century

René-François Fétil 1765

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When I started looking for Fétil bindings I tried every trick in the book to find them with Google, including a search of Marmontel as the Fétil bindings in the British Library were found on Marmontel publications, this is how I found the above example which is found in a Sotheby's 2014 auction catalogue (click here to see it). We can see immediately that the decoration is very similar to the binding that we examined on the previous page. However when i first saw these bindings I wondered about the outer roulette frame it was unlike any previous examples. Then while searching Barber's tool catalogue I stumbled upon this very roulette which Barber notes as being from a signed Fétil binding W.Cat. 502.

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(click on this image to see an enlargement)

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Comparative Diagram 1 - Barber's ROLL 3 vs 1765 Marmontel

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In Comparative Diagram 1 we see that Barber's ROLL 3 is an approximate fit, this roulette has to be one of the most irregular that you are ever likely to encounter, every element is a different size! Fortunately we know by now that this 1765 Marmontel binding is a Fétil and this these extracted strips of the roulette are ROLL 3.


Comparative Diagram 2 - Fétil imprints from the 1765 Marmontel binding.

In Comparative Diagram 2, I show three Fétil imprints that we have not encountered previously, these will take on a greater significance as we proceed, and allow us to further pinpoint important Fétil bindings. Here is some great news, a wonderful friend has just now sent me a copy of Barber's W.Cat. 502 Fétil signed binding, I suspect that Barber never fully realized the importance of this Fetil binding as it opens up a pandora's box of hitherto unidentified bindings, we will look at this on the next page.

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see below links to previous work

Atelier I B 31/10/2014

Icons of the Renaissance 06/02/2014

Atelier au trefle 22/12/2014

Atelier Royal 1518 - 1524 09/11/2014

Unraveling G. D. Hobson's book on fanfares 27/11/2014

16c fanfare on eBay 23/11/2014

another Padeloup binding on eBay 07/12/2014

the last Padeloup fanfare?

Rare Padeloup binding on eBay 15/11/2014

Pierre-Paul Dubuisson's work attributed to Derone le jeune 23/10/2014 (unfinished work now finished)

Pierre-Paul Dubuisson's work attributed to Douceur 22/10/2014 (an under contruction page finished at last)

Louis-Marie Michon - the 1956 Disaster 19/10/2014 (an unfinished page finished at last)

Louis XII Dolphins motif 03/02/2014

Aristophanes Binder 1543 02/02/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - Atlas Catalan 12/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Linacre bindings 05/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier c. 1500-1520

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Chronology 16/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Inventory - binding No. 29 19/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Inventory - binding No. 39 19/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - The mysterious disappearance of François Tissard d'Amboise 23/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - The Simon Vostre fiasco 18/01/2014

L'Atelier Simon Vostre 1486-1521 01/01/2014

L'Atelier de Pierre Roffet 1511-1533 - TOOL CATALOGUE 26/01/2014

L'Atelier de Pierre Roffet 1511-1533 27/12/2013

Pierre Roffet - fleur-de-lis binder 28/12/2013

Fleur-de-lis Binder 1525-1540 27/11/2013

Du Saix Master 02/12/2013

Atelier Étienne Roffet 1538-1549 12/12/2013

Atelier Jean Picard 1538-1547

Imitative Binder c.1540 15/12/2013

Salel Binder 1540 17/11/2013

Atelier Ruette 1606-1669 INVENTORY

Atelier Macé Ruette 1606-1644

Atelier du Maitre Doreur 1622-1638

Atelier Antoine Ruette 1638-1669

Atelier des Caumartin 1652-1715

Atelier de Charenton 1670-1685

Atelier Luc-Antoine Boyet 1685-1733

Atelier Antoine-Michel Padeloup. dit Le Jeune 1685-1758

Atelier Louis Douceur 1721-1769

Atelier Pierre-Paul Dubuisson 1746-1762

Atelier Nicolas-Denis Derome, dit Derome le Jeune 1761-1788

Atelier Jean-Pierre Jubert, 1771-1793?

Atelier MM binder, 1770-179-?

A word of Caution

Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that.

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