The binding shown above is found in a 2002 LIBRAIRIE SOURGET - MANUSCRITS ET LIVRES PRECIEUX - CATALOGUE N° XXIV, page 98, lot 34. The importance of this binding is due to its relationship to the critically important work of Isabelle de Conihout & Pascal Ract-Madoux Reliures françaises du XVIIe siècle, by Paris, 2002. In this book they devote a chapter to Luc-Antoine Boyet, the importance of their work cannot be understated. There is virtually no other modern research with the exception of that of Metivier to guide us in our investigations. I have reproduced below the first two pages of their catalogue of Boyet bindings of particular importance the point out bindings with dates clearly marked with a stamp bearing the date. (Fig. 1) |
In Comparative Diagram 1, we see an enlargement of the Isabelle de Conihout & Pascal Ract-Madoux Fig. 1 page 65 compared with the Sourget binding 34 dated stamp at the same scale, this we are assured that these cachets are of the same origin however with slight differences. Now the premise is that these stamps indicate the date that these bindings were bound, we have a precise window to what Boyet was producing at this time. The first thing I wanted to do is try to find bindings with these same tools. The central fleuron in the spine panels seemed like a good place to start. |
In their 2002 publicatio, Isabelle de Conihout & Pascal Ract-Madoux have reproduced a number of rubbings of important tools that accompany their catalogue of Boyet bindings. When I first started looking for these tools, over ten years ago, I found a few clear reproductions that matched the rubbings, and placed them in Comparative Diagram 2. You will notice that No. 6 has no actual corresponding imprints, due to the fact that I never found one. |
In Comparative Diagram 3 we make an exciting discovery here at last was a real No. 6 fer, this set me off on an immediate search to try to find another one, bring out all the catalogues again. This imprint is in fact easy to miss, the big difference is that there is a reversed pod at the base ot foot of the imprint. On the next page we will look at the next discovery another Boyet fer 6. |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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