
French Decorative Bookbinding - Eighteenth Century

Luc-Antoine Boyet

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The Memoirs of Messire Michel de Castelnau, Lord of Mauvissière. Illustrated and augmented by several commentaries and manuscripts, both Letters, Instructions, Treat, and other secret and original pieces used to give the truth of the History of the reigns of Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III, and the regency and the government of Catherine de Medici. With the praises of kings, queens, princes and other illustrious persons of both religions under these three reigns, and the genealogical history of the house of Castelnau, by J. Le Laboureur.

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The photograph of the binding shown above could be found on Abebooks when it was for sale for US$ 9,182.07, I have attempted to translate (roughly) the booksellers notes below...

Paris Pierre Lamy 1659 2 vols. folio of (24) -907 pp. 81- (1) pp. poorly numbered (12) pp. table, 2 engraved portraits; (2) -909 pp. (2) -125 pp. (12) pp. table, engraved portrait, glazed tawny calf, back adorned with nerves, title piece in green morocco, triple filet framing the boards, crowned rombus and fish in the board corners, armorial stamps on the boards, guilded edges (bound around 1720). This is the first edition with supporting documents by Jean Le Laboureur enriched genealogies of the Maison Castelnau that were not in the original edition of 1621 published by Jacques de Castelnau, son of Michel. Portraits out of text of Jacques and Michel de Castelnau (this last repeated), vignette of engraved title and more than 300 blazons engraved in intaglio in the text: in volume I, Genealogical history of the House of Castelnau, in volume II Genealogies of several houses allied to that of Castelnau. After taking part in the negotiations of 1559, Michel de Castelnau (1520-1592) was sent to Scotland, Germany and England where he was ambassador from 1575 to 1585; he took part in the events which occurred between 1559 and 1570, which he recorded in his memoirs for the instruction of his son, without idea of publication. "The role played by the author, his relations with the principal characters, and finally his real moderation give his judgments a certain strength". (Hauser)

Ruled copy with large margins, the arms of Count Charles-Henri d'Hoym, ambassador to France of Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland, and the armories of the house Rohan-Chabot (crowned diamonds and fish) . The meeting of these two provenances on the same binding is unknown to Olivier-Hermal-Roton. "The Earl of Hoym was one of the most famous bibliophiles, who formed with passion from 1717 to 1735, a rich collection and especially in letters and history. He had his volumes were bound by Boyet in tawny calfskin or morocco, with his arms on the boards and the Polish eagle on the spine. Very pale Latin handwritten inscription in the ink of the time in the lower margin of the title page (volume 1). Ex-libris "M. de Kernier". Nice copy. Discrete restorations, old labels glued to the back, small dark circles on the plates, small scuffs on Volume 2. Catalog of the library of Count Hoym (1738), No. 355; Brunet I, 1626; Saffroy III, 37982; Hauser III, 1421; Olivier-Hermal-Roton, plate 672 and plate 2034-9.

He estimates that this volume may have been executed around 1720, however the additional arms of Rohan-Chabot complicates things somewhat, however if you seach for "macles et chabots couronnés alternés aux angles" you find a few bindings with these crowned diamonds and fish in the corners...
"Louis-Antoine de Rohan-Chabot, sixième duc de Rohan (1733-1807), lieutenant général des armées du roi. Émigré de 1790 à 1792, il entretint une correspondance avec Madame du Barry (macles et chabots couronnés alternés aux angles)". (click here to see this)
"Exemplaire aux armes des Rohan Chabot, certainement suivant la date de l'édition, de Louis-Antoine de Rohan-Chabot, dit le chevalier de Rohan. 2 macles et deux chabots couronnés dans les angles" (click here to see this)
In all these cases the appearence of these armories arrive at a later period therefore it is more likely that these were added to the binding after comte d'Hoym owned it. Thus a 1720 date still in the ballpark.

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Comparative Diagram 1 - Boyet spine panel decoration

In Comparative Diagram 1, we see this binding compared with a binding that we looked at on page 16, you will see that even with the low resolution of this binding the central fleuron in the spine panels is the same (No. 16). On page 16, I pointed out a few things that could indicate that fleuron 16 was perhaps from 1688 or earlier, however there are a few things that are different here in the decoration of the spine panels and when I looked at the corners it suddenly dawned on me that here was another corner decoration that matched my 1698 Breviarium!

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Comparative Diagram 2 - Boyet spine panel corners compared - 1698 Breviarium

In Comparative Diagram 2, we can see that the corners of these two panels are the same however there are many differences otherwise, the most troubling is the framing palette/roulettes, in all of these pages and all of my Boyet research I have never encountered any thing like these 1698 Breviarium framing roulettes.

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Comparative Diagram 3 - 1698 roulette.

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Why do they remind me of this?

There is another detail that this binding may have in common with the Breviarium it is the palette at the bottom of the spine, it is only just barely dicernible, as shown in Comparative Diagram 4, click on the diagram to see an enlargement. On the next page we are going to make some exciting discoveries that will finally enable us solve the mystery of the 1698 Breviarium.

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Comparative Diagram 4 - Boyet palette vs 1698 example.

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see below links to previous work

Atelier I B 31/10/2014

Icons of the Renaissance 06/02/2014

Atelier au trefle 22/12/2014

Atelier Royal 1518 - 1524 09/11/2014

Unraveling G. D. Hobson's book on fanfares 27/11/2014

16c fanfare on eBay 23/11/2014

another Padeloup binding on eBay 07/12/2014

the last Padeloup fanfare?

Rare Padeloup binding on eBay 15/11/2014

Pierre-Paul Dubuisson's work attributed to Derone le jeune 23/10/2014 (unfinished work now finished)

Pierre-Paul Dubuisson's work attributed to Douceur 22/10/2014 (an under contruction page finished at last)

Louis-Marie Michon - the 1956 Disaster 19/10/2014 (an unfinished page finished at last)

Louis XII Dolphins motif 03/02/2014

Aristophanes Binder 1543 02/02/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - Atlas Catalan 12/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Linacre bindings 05/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier c. 1500-1520

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Chronology 16/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Inventory - binding No. 29 19/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - Inventory - binding No. 39 19/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - The mysterious disappearance of François Tissard d'Amboise 23/01/2014

Atelier des reliures LOUIS XII - FRANÇOIS Ier - The Simon Vostre fiasco 18/01/2014

L'Atelier Simon Vostre 1486-1521 01/01/2014

L'Atelier de Pierre Roffet 1511-1533 - TOOL CATALOGUE 26/01/2014

L'Atelier de Pierre Roffet 1511-1533 27/12/2013

Pierre Roffet - fleur-de-lis binder 28/12/2013

Fleur-de-lis Binder 1525-1540 27/11/2013

Du Saix Master 02/12/2013

Atelier Étienne Roffet 1538-1549 12/12/2013

Atelier Jean Picard 1538-1547

Imitative Binder c.1540 15/12/2013

Salel Binder 1540 17/11/2013

Atelier Ruette 1606-1669 INVENTORY

Atelier Macé Ruette 1606-1644

Atelier du Maitre Doreur 1622-1638

Atelier Antoine Ruette 1638-1669

Atelier des Caumartin 1652-1715

Atelier de Charenton 1670-1685

Atelier Luc-Antoine Boyet 1685-1733

Atelier Antoine-Michel Padeloup. dit Le Jeune 1685-1758

Atelier Louis Douceur 1721-1769

Atelier Pierre-Paul Dubuisson 1746-1762

Atelier Nicolas-Denis Derome, dit Derome le Jeune 1761-1788

Atelier Jean-Pierre Jubert, 1771-1793?

Atelier MM binder, 1770-179-?

A word of Caution

Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that.

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