The binding reproduced above is found in the British Library Database of Bookbindings shelfmarked G2427 (click here to see it) Please note that all the British Library reproductions including the one above are under copyright |
In Comparative Diagram 1, we see that the bird palette, described by Metivier (shown on a previous page) is the same as the one found on this British Library example. This palette alone is proof that this binding was made by Boyet, however I noticed one further detail that links this binding to our 1698 Breviarium, it can be seen below in the enlarged 1698 spine compartment. This fleuron that separates and is somewhat crowded by the corner imprints (sprays) appears to be the same on the British Library example. |
In Comparative Diagram 2, we we can see that these two fleurons are probably the same, even more convincing when you consider that they were used in the same position in the spine compartments. I had to search long and hard to find another example of this tool, it was not in my Boyet inventory, which means that I probably never encountered it or rarely. However after another search through a large collection of Boyet bindings, I finally spotted this imprint, it is found on another retrospective binding, this binding, which I show below is No. 27 in the 2002 publication of Isabelle de Conihout and Pascal Ract-Madoux Reliures françaises du XVIIe siècle : Chefs-d'oeuvre du musée Condé . they state that Boyet produced these retrospective bindings from around 1690 to 1700. I then specifically searched through every Boyet binding of this type (perhaps 20 examples), No. 27 is the only one where you find this imprint. |
In Comparative Diagram 2, we can see at last the complete shape of this imprint. This imprint fits in with the retrospective look, we see a very similar tool in the 1650 binding from the workshop of Pierre Rocolet, also shown in the 2002 publication of Isabelle de Conihout and Pascal Ract-Madoux, page 49, No. 18. |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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