I found this signed Delorme binding by searching the internet for Relié par Delorme, rue St Jacques N°191 . This is an exciting find and we see that there is a ticket inside, however it isn't what I was expecting which was more like the signed leather example shown on a previous page, that matches Gruel's facsimile example. Be that as it may this binding certainly has some interesting Delorme tools. |
In Comparative Diagram 2, we see that the outer framing roulette is the same roulette that we see in the 1791 example from the Royal Library collection in Comparative Diagram 3, del-r-exo shown in Comparative Diagram 4. This is such a specific and elaborate roulette that it would be hard to not recognize it. However finding its length was a challenge. I found a quick way to find the solution, if you look at the enlargement, you will notice the green dots, these indicate the matching characteristic, which is found in the negative shape formed by the flower petals and the surounding upper leaf. The shape seems to resemble some small animal running, the different shapes of these animals was the clue I was looking for, however the search was complicated by the fact that these imprints rotated 180 degrees show a different set of animals, finally the the real proof was to get both sets, the upper and the lower to match. |
On the next page we find an even more surpising and important discovery in another signed Delorme binding. |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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