The reproduction shown above is found in a 2002 Librairie Sourget catalogue Manuscrits Enluminés et Livres Précieux, 1280-1927 : De Saint-Augustin a Marcel Proust . Catalogue XXIV . This is not a Mosaic but it relates to a few things that we have looked on these recent pages. To start with, on our first page we looked at a mosaic that had a Douceur fer à la tulipe on the spine, as well as an easily identifable Douceur palette B however it was accompanied by another palette that is far less common and it is found also on this set of Moliere, shown below in Comparative Diagram 1. |
In Comparative Diagram 1, we are mainly concerned with the palettes marked 'A' and 'B' these palette imprints show some unusual irregularity that is partially due perhaps to them being again short and having to be stamped twice to cover the width. What we see appears to be a poor execution of the alignment and meeting of the imprints, or otherwise a very odd palette. This problem coincidentally relates to the other palette as we have described previously (click here to see this) |
In Comparative Diagram 2, I have connected two palette samples to link them as a longer segment might look. |
In Comparative Diagram 3, we test the 155 imprint examples with overlays, the first ovelay A is in the difference mode while the second is in the normal mode with the 155 sample at 50% transparency and inverted as well as enhanced with contrast. Obviously these are the same imprints from the same Louis Douceur tools. |
In Comparative Diagram 4 and 5 we are comparing the spine panel imprints from the Moliere binding, these are not large and even enlarged you might have a hard time deciding if they are the same as the comparative examples. The important thing to note is that these two imprints d-6-2 and d-109 are not found on all the mosaics, yet they are both found on Davis562 which is c. 1755. On the other hand d-6-2 is found prominently placed in the interior corners of the1745 Bibliotheque nationale de France - RES P-YF-243 binding that was certainly made in early 1745. There are no fers à la tulipe found on these bindings, however I would like to state here for the record, that I am not sure that the so called "tulipe" is actually a tulip... was this another of Michon's inventions? |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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