Here again in this example the Tenschert information appears to be concerning Le Monnier however we find on this binding, Louis Douceurs fers à la tulipe and fer à la grenade . This is the same grenadine that we saw on the previous binding. |
In Comparative Diagram 1, we see convincing proof that all of these imprints derive from the tools of Louis Douceur and in Comparative Diagram 2 we see that these are matching imprints, the dates that accompany these imprints reflect only the printing date of the books inside these bindings. Now that we are begining to see new and different tools and tools that are also found on the Davis562 doublure which dates to at least 1755, we might need to adjust our thinking when it comes our estimation of when these mosaic bindings by Louis Douceur were actually made. |
In Comparative Diagram 3 we can see the very obvious parallels and mutual imprints that suggest these bindings may have been made in the same time period. I only know of one other Douceur example with a corner tool of this kind.(click here to see it). This found on a 1749 publication, and there is a good chance that the binding is contemporaneous with the book inside, as it is not a collector's item. |
In Comparative Diagram 5 you will discover the pleasure of juggling roulette imprints, it looks easier to do in the enlargement, however there are no real obvious flaws to help us here and even when you have finally found an alignment it is hardly a eureka moment due to the uncertainty of it all (clue - the blue dots have a chip on their shoulder). |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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