The reproduction shown above is from a Rahir catalogue, this is a large binding and it has been decorated to the hilt... the author of this amazing binding has not, to my knowledge been identified up until now... yes this is a Vente! and the Bibliotheque nationale has not even a single example to offer, poor Vente has not even been added to their binders list. |
I decided to check again Barber's tool catalogue just on the off chance that he might have catalogued this large bulbus vase in the corners of binding 218, and I was surprised to find it. Barber went out of his way to collect this one from Rahir's catalogue that is so big he had to reduce it to a different scale which is shown by an additional frame around the illustration. |
The main framework for this centerpiece has been created with a simple pair of tools, pv-49-2 this might look easy but requires absolute accuracy, any kind of error ruins the effect. I doubt whether anyone other than a highly skilled master would even attempt it. |
"Diameter of a human hair = inches: 0.001; centimeters: 0.00254" roughly a quarter of a tenth of a millimeter. In Comparative Diagram 3, I have greatly enlarged the point at which these two imprints join, the separation is about the width of a human hair, the green line being about the thickness of an average human hair. I was amazed by the accuracy of the positioning of the crowning imprint, here again any error is immediately obvious, and would flaw the beauty of such a masterful dentelle. |
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Even experts are sometimes wrong, before you spend thousands on a book, please do your own research! Just because I say a certain binding can be attributed to le Maitre isn't any kind of guarantee, don't take my word for it, go a step further and get your own proof. In these pages I have provided you with a way of doing just that. |
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